
Sunday, April 16, 2023

Psychology: Forgetting; Nature, causes, theories and disorders


(ITP-16) Forgetting: Nature, causes, theories and disorders

Abstract: This article provides a comprehensive overview of forgetting, including its nature, causes, and related disorders. Forgetting is the inability to retrieve previously stored information from the memory, and it can happen due to various factors such as decay, interference, and retrieval failure.The article also explores various theories of forgetting, including decay theory, interference theory, and retrieval failure theory. Additionally, forgetting can be a symptom of disorders such as amnesia, Alzheimer's disease, and dementia. The article also provides techniques to improve memory retention, such as rehearsal, chunking, association, and visualization. Furthermore, factors such as age, stress, sleep deprivation, and medication can also influence forgetting. Finally, when forgetting becomes a problem, seeking professional help is important, as forgetting can be a symptom of depression, anxiety, and ADHD.Top of Form

Have you ever forgotten something important, like a friend's birthday or a meeting with your professor? Or perhaps you have struggled to recall an answer during a test, even though you studied extensively for it. These experiences are common and frustrating, but they are also part of a natural process known as forgetting.

What is forgetting?

Forgetting is the inability to retrieve information that was previously stored in the memory. This can happen for various reasons, including decay, interference, and retrieval failure. Decay refers to the gradual fading of memory traces over time. Interference happens when new information interferes with the retrieval of older information. Retrieval failure occurs when we are unable to access stored information due to inadequate cues or context.

Causes of Forgetting written in Theories:

Various theories have been proposed to explain the causes of forgetting. Here are some of the most prominent theories and their authors:

a.       Decay Theory by Ebbinghaus: This theory suggests that forgetting occurs due decay. Decay is the fading of memory traces over time. If we do not use or reinforce the memory traces, they will eventually be deleted.

b.      Interference Theory by Muller and Pilzecker: This theory suggests that forgetting occurs due to interference from other memories. Interference occurs when new information interferes with the retrieval of older information. Interference can happen in two ways:

·         Retroactive interference: new information interferes with the retrieval of old information.

·         Proactive interference: old information interferes with the retrieval of new information.

c.       Retrieval Failure Theory by Tulving and Thomson: This theory suggests that forgetting occurs due to Retrieval failure. Retrieval failure happens when we are unable to retrieve information due to inadequate cues or context. This can happen when we lack the necessary information or cues to access a particular memory.

d.      Motivated Forgetting Theory by Sigmund Freud: This theory suggests that forgetting occurs when we repress or suppress unpleasant or unwanted memories to protect ourselves from psychological harm.

e.      Encoding Failure Theory by Craik and Lockhart: This theory suggests that forgetting occurs due to inadequate encoding of information. If we do not encode information properly, it will not be stored in the memory.

Understanding these theories can help us better understand the nature of forgetting and develop strategies to improve memory retention.Top of Form


Disorders related to forgetting

Forgetting can also be a symptom of various disorders, such as:

  1. Amnesia: Amnesia is a condition where an individual is unable to remember past events or form new memories. It can be caused by head injuries, strokes, or degenerative diseases.

·         Retrograde amnesia is a type of amnesia where a person is unable to remember events that occurred before the onset of amnesia.

·         Anterograde amnesia, on the other hand, is a type of amnesia where a person is unable to form new memories after the onset of amnesia.

  1. Alzheimer's Disorder: Alzheimer's Disorder is a progressive brain disorder that affects memory, thinking, and behavior. It is the most common cause of dementia in older adults.
  2. Dementia: Dementia is a general term for a decline in cognitive function that interferes with daily life. It can be caused by various conditions, including Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and Huntington's disease.

How to improve memory retention

Although forgetting is a natural process, there are various techniques that can improve memory retention, such as:

  1. Rehearsal: Rehearsal involves repeating information to reinforce memory traces.
  2. Chunking: Chunking involves grouping information into smaller units to make it easier to remember.
  3. Association: Association involves linking new information to existing knowledge or memories.
  4. Visualization: Visualization involves creating mental images to aid memory retention.

Factors of Forgetting: Forgetting can be influenced by various other factors such as age, stress, sleep deprivation, and medication.

·         As we age, our memory and ability to retain new information may decline.

·         Stress and sleep deprivation can also affect memory, as they can interfere with the encoding and consolidation of new information in the memory.

·         Certain medications such as tranquilizers, sedatives, and antihistamines can also affect memory and lead to forgetting.

Forgetting is not always bad: It is important to note that forgetting is not always a bad thing. In fact, forgetting can be a useful process that helps us filter out irrelevant information and focus on what is important. Forgetting also allows us to update our knowledge and adapt to new situations.

Professional help for Forgetting: When forgetting becomes a problem and interferes with daily life, it is important to seek professional help. Forgetting can be a symptom of various disorders such as depression, anxiety, and ADHD. These conditions can affect memory and lead to forgetting, along with other symptoms such as difficulty concentrating, low mood, and anxiety.


In summary, forgetting is a natural process that can occur due to various reasons. Memory is a complex system that can be influenced by various factors. Understanding the causes of forgetting and the techniques to improve memory retention can help in retaining important information. However, when forgetting becomes a problem and interferes with daily life, it is important to seek professional help.


  1. Alzheimer's Association. (2021). Alzheimer's disease and dementia. Retrieved from
  2. American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing.
  3. Atkinson, R. C., & Shiffrin, R. M. (1968). Human memory: A proposed system and its control processes. Psychology of Learning and Motivation, 2, 89-195.
  4. Baddeley, A. (2000). The episodic buffer: A new component of working memory? Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 4(11), 417-423.
  5. Baddeley, A. D., & Hitch, G. (1974). Working memory. Psychology of Learning and Motivation, 8, 47-89.
  6. Craik, F. I., & Lockhart, R. S. (1972). Levels of processing: A framework for memory research. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 11(6), 671-684.
  7. Ebbinghaus, H. (1885). Memory: A contribution to experimental psychology. New York: Dover.
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  1. Interference can be happen in two ways :
    _ Retroactive
    _ Proactive

  2. Forgetting can be a useful process that help us filter out irrelevant information.

  3. Hafiz Danyal (160)
    Amnesia: Amnesia is a condition where an individual is unable to remember past events or form new memories. It can be caused by head injuries, strokes, or degenerative diseases.

  4. Hafiz Danyal (160)
    Visualization involves creating mental images to aid memory retention.

  5. Interference happens in two ways; 1. Retroactive Interference 2. Proactive Interference

  6. Amnesia(unable to remember past events), Alzheimer's Disorder (affect memory, thinking) and Dementia (interferes daily life) are the symptoms of Forgetting

  7. Rehearsal, Chunking, Association and visualization are the ways to improve memory retention.

  8. Sometimes forgetting is not a bad habit. It helps in forgetting irrelevant information and focus on important things.

  9. There are various theories on forgetting such as decay theory by ebbinghaus

  10. There are various disorders related to forgetting such as amnesia and dementia

  11. Memory retention can be improved by chunking rehearsal association and visualisation

  12. Memory retention can be improved by retention chunking association and visualisation

  13. Forgetting is a natural process that can occur due to various reasons and we can seek professional help to help it out

  14. Causes of forgetting written in theories.
    Here some theories and their authors:
    (a) Decay theory by Ebbinghaus
    (b) Interference theory by Muller and Pilzecker
    (c) Retrieval Failure theory by Tulving and Thomson
    (d) Motivated forgetting theory by Sigmund Freud
    (e) Encoding failure theory by Craik and Lockhart

  15. There are various techniques that can improve memory retention such as:

  16. Forgetting can also be a symptom of various disorders, such as:
    2.Alzheimer's Disorder

  17. Pursuing professional help is important, as ignoring maybe a symptom of cavities, anxiety, and ADHD.

  18. A detailed overview of forgetting including its nature etc

  19. Easy comprehension with well written information

  20. Disorder related to forgetting is

    Alzheimer's disorder

  21. Memory is a complex system that can be influenced by various factors

  22. Memory retention can be improved by


  23. Forgetting can be a symptoms of disorders such as amnesia Alzheimur diseases and dementia

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Retrieval failure occurs when we are unable to access store information due to inadequate cues or content

  26. Retroactive interference is new information interfers with the retrieval of old information

  27. Disorders that can cause forgetting are
    1. amnesia

  28. Symptoms of Amensia can be when someone can't remember things that happened recently and sometimes even things that happened long ago

  29. Very well written by Sir Faisal..about Forgetting is not always bad: It is important to note that forgetting is not always a bad thing. In fact, forgetting can be a useful process that helps us filter out irrelevant information and focus on what is important. Forgetting also allows us to update our knowledge and adapt to new situations.

  30. forgetting is a natural process that can occur due to various reasons. Memory is a complex system that can be influenced by various factors. Understanding the causes of forgetting and the techniques to improve memory retention can help in retaining important information. However, when forgetting becomes a problem and interferes with daily life, it is important to seek professional help.

  31. Factors of forgetting
    Factors can be influenced by various other factors such as age, stress and sleep deprivation and medication.

  32. Decay Theory by Ebbinghaus: This theory suggests that forgetting occurs due decay. Decay is the fading of memory traces over time. If we do not use or reinforce the memory traces, they will eventually be deleted

  33. Abstract: This article provides a comprehensive overview of forgetting, including its nature, causes, and related disorders

  34. According to Sigmund Freud's Motivated Forgetting Theory, forgetting happens when we hide or repress unpleasant or unwanted memories in order to shield ourselves from psychological injury.

  35. Amnesia is a condition in which a person loses the ability to recall the past or create new memories. Degenerative illnesses, strokes, and head injuries are among its possible causes.

  36. Even while forgetting happens naturally, there are a number of approaches that can help with memory preservation, including:

    Repeating knowledge helps to solidify memory traces during rehearsal.
    Information is chunked into smaller chunks to make it easier to recall.
    Associating new information with previously learned material or memories.
    To help with memory recall, visualisation involves making mental images.

  37. Antihistamines, tranquillizers, and sedatives are just a few of the drugs that might impair memory and cause forgetfulness.

  38. How to improve memory retention by:
    2: Chunking
    3: Association
    4: visualization

  39. Visualization involves creating mental images to aid memory retention

  40. If forgetting starts to impede daily life, seeking professional assistance is crucial. Forgetting could be an indication of different disorders like depression, anxiety, and ADHD that can affect memory and cause forgetfulness, along with other symptoms such as difficulty concentrating, low mood, and anxiety. Therefore, it is crucial to recognize the signs of such conditions and seek appropriate help.

  41. Causes of Forgetting written in Theories:
    a. Decay Theory by Ebbinghaus
    b. Interference Theory by Muller and Pilzecker .
    c. Retrieval Failure Theory by Tulving and Thomson .
    d. Motivated Forgetting Theory by sigmund fread .
    e. Encoding Failure Theory by Craik and Lockhart.

  42. A useful process that enables us to eliminate irrelevant information and concentrate on what is crucial. Moreover, forgetting allows us to modify our knowledge and adapt to new circumstances, leading to personal growth and development.

  43. Most prominent theories and their authors:
    •Decay Theory by Ebbinghaus.
    •Interference Theory by Muller and
    •Retrieval Failure Theory by Tulving and
    •Motivated Forgetting Theory by Sigmund
    •Encoding Failure Theory by Craik and

  44. Interference theory can happen in two ways:
    •Retroactive interference
    •Proactive interference

  45. Alzheimer's Disorder, amnesia, dementia are symptoms of various disorders.

  46. Rehearsal, chunking, association,. Visualization are help us to improve our memory retention.

  47. Forgetting is the loss of information in long term memory

  48. Fatima Ikram

    1) Forgetting is sometimes referred to as dismembering. It refers to loss of information from long term memory.
    2) Forgetfulness can arise from stress, depression, lack of sleep or thyroid problems. Other factors are unhealthy diet or not having enough fluids in our body.
    3) Various theories have been proposed by various scientists to explain the cause of forgetting such as Decay theory, Interference theory and Retrieval Failure theory etc
    4) Various diseases such as amnesia, Alzheimer’s disease and dimentia are caused by forgetting
    5) We can use different techniques such as rehearsal, chunking, association and visualization to improve out memory.

  49. Retaining vital information can be made easier by being aware of the reasons why people forget things and how to improve memory retention. It's crucial to get expert assistance if amnesia becomes a problem and interferes with daily life.

  50. Muhammad Ibrahim TariqApril 24, 2023 at 7:18 PM

    Certain medications such as tranquilizers, sedatives, and antihistamines can also affect memory and lead to forgetting.
    Muhammad Ibrahim Tariq

  51. Muhammad Ibrahim TariqApril 24, 2023 at 7:19 PM

    Decay Theory by Ebbinghaus: This theory suggests that forgetting occurs due decay. Decay is the fading of memory traces over time. If we do not use or reinforce the memory traces, they will eventually be deleted.
    Muhammad Ibrahim Tariq

  52. Muhammad Ibrahim TariqApril 24, 2023 at 7:19 PM

    Interference Theory by Muller and Pilzecker: This theory suggests that forgetting occurs due to interference from other memories. Interference occurs when new information interferes with the retrieval of older information
    Muhammad Ibrahim Tariq

  53. The article also provides techniques to improve memory retention, such as rehearsal, seeking professional help is important, as forgetting can be a symptom of depression, anxiety, and ADHD

  54. Interference theory can happen in two ways:
    •Retroactive interference
    •Proactive interference

  55. forgetting allows us to modify our knowledge and adapt to new circumstances, leading to personal growth and development

  56. We can improve memory conditions by using these technical aspects

  57. Forgetting disorder are's

  58. Cause of forgetting written in theories by
    Ebbinghaus and Muller

  59. Understanding the theories of forgetting can help us develop strategies to improve memory retention.

  60. Decay is the fading of memory traces over time

  61. Retrieval failure happens when we are unable to retrieve information due to inadequate cues or context.

  62. Rehearsal, chunking, association,. Visualization are help us to improve our memory retention

  63. Visualization involves creating mental images to aid memory retention.

  64. M zuraiz
    nterference can be happen in two ways :
    _ Retroactive
    _ Proactive

  65. Forgetting is happened when encoding failure storage failure and retrieval failure .

  66. forgeting is good now i remeber my memory

  67. Kinza Mehmood 203E
    Forgetting allows us to modify our knowledge and adapt to new circumstances, leading to personal growth and development

  68. Muhammad Ibrahim TariqMay 4, 2023 at 10:41 AM

    Rehearsal involves repeating information to reinforce memory traces.
    Muhammad Ibrahim Tariq 202

  69. Retrieval failure occurs when we are unable to access stored information due to inadequate cues or context.

  70. Rehearsal involves repeating information to reinforce memory traces. Ritaj 204

  71. Roll no 209
    In simple, Inability to retirieve information is forgetting.

  72. Rehearsal, chunking, association,. Visualization are help us to improve our memory retention.

  73. Forgetting memory includes
    Encoding failure
    Short term failure
    Long term failure

  74. 1.Amnesia
    2.Alzheimer's Disorder
    rember for all time

  75. forgetting is a natural process that can occur due to various reasons. 204 Ritaj

  76. Roll no 209
    Amnesia is a condition where an individual is unable to remember past events or form new memories

  77. Syed Mudasir Ali Shah (210)

    Decay Theory by Ebbinghaus:

    This theory suggests that forgetting occurs due decay. Decay is the fading of memory traces over time. If we do not use or reinforce the memory traces, they will eventually be deleted.

  78. Chunking involves grouping information into smaller units to make it easier to remember.

  79. Amnesia is a condition where an individual is unable to remember past events or form new memories.

  80. Rehearsal involves repeating information to reinforce memory traces.

  81. Amnesia is caused by head injury.


  82. This comment has been removed by the author.

  83. Forgetting can have significant implications for individuals' daily lives, impacting their ability to learn new information, remember important details, and even function in society.


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